You Are Intuitive

Intuition is a powerful and profound ability that goes much deeper than the stereotypical images of psychics with crystal balls and neon signs advertising $20 palm readings. In our journey together, we'll delve into the heart of intuition, uncovering how we might have ignored this incredible gift and learning how to forge a deeper connection with it. Let's start with a fundamental truth: you possess intuition. Yes, you—the one reading these words—have an innate capacity for intuitive insight that's just waiting to be awakened and nurtured.

Forget what you've been told about intuition—or the lack thereof—by parents, teachers, colleagues, or even your cat's cousin. We're stepping away from the limiting beliefs and narratives imposed upon us by others and entering a world brimming with possibility. In this world, intuition is a gift that belongs to everyone. It can be developed through dedication and practice, and it's our invitation to you to explore this domain where intuition can flourish freely in you.

It's important to acknowledge that there are individuals who have chosen to develop their intuitive abilities to become psychics or mediums. This doesn't mean we should compare ourselves to them or feel diminished in any way. Instead, their dedication to honing their skills is a testament to the potential that exists for each of us to cultivate our own intuitive powers. The key is not to look at others and measure ourselves against them but to recognize our own unique potential and embark on a personal journey of discovery and growth. Remember, comparison is the thief of joy.

At its core, intuition is a form of understanding, knowledge, or judgment that arrives not through the conscious mind's analytical processes but through an inner sense of knowing. Its presence and how it manifests can vary wildly from person to person and situation to situation.

Understanding the distinction between intuition and guessing or assumption is essential. Guessing is akin to shooting in the dark—making a statement or choice with little to no foundation. Assuming, on the other hand, involves drawing conclusions based on past experiences or incomplete (and often inaccurate) information. Intuition, however, is a deeper, more intrinsic form of knowledge that often comes without the backing of logical proof. It’s that sudden insight or understanding that arrives without a clear explanation of how or why. Intuition happens swiftly, bypassing the slower, more deliberate process of logical deduction. Intuition is regularly discounted because it is viewed as illogical, primarily because it lacks tangible evidence. If you're firmly rooted in the realm of material science, this concept might challenge your convictions and even irritate you. That’s ok. I still believe that you are intuitive.

Signs You Are Intuitive

  • Predictive Dreams: Experiencing dreams that later unfold in reality, or dreams that seem to predict future events, is a common intuitive experience. These are not mere coincidences but significant markers of your intuitive connection. Dreams are such fertile ground for your intuition because your logical mind isn’t getting in the way.

  • Predicting Events: Ever guessed who's calling before picking up the phone, or what someone is about to say before they speak? These small moments are your intuition at work, offering glimpses into the immediate future. I used to play games with co-workers where I would try to predict what would happen next in a situation. I was pretty accurate.

  • Synchronicities and Serendipities: Life is full of meaningful coincidences—those serendipitous events that seem too aligned to be mere chance. These moments are often your intuition interacting with the fabric of the universe, creating connections that defy logical explanation. The Universe is too awesome and complex for me to believe in mere coincidence.

  • Recurring Symbols: Ever notice certain numbers, letters, or symbols repeatedly appearing in your life? These aren't just quirks of fate; they're messages from the universe, your intuition communicating in a language beyond words. There are all kinds of meanings attributed to repairing numbers especially.

  • Navigating Away from Danger: Have you ever altered your plans on a whim, only to discover later that your decision helped you avoid an unforeseen problem or danger? I have. This intuitive nudge is a protective mechanism, steering you away from harm's way even when you're not consciously aware of the threat.

Each of these signs is a testament to the profound and nuanced language of intuition, a language that speaks directly to the heart and soul, bypassing the need for words or rational thought, but what happens when you ignore your intuition? A part of me just wants to scream the word “CHAOS” right now, but I will contain myself.

Here’s what can happen when you ignore your intuition.

Recurring Dreams: These recurring dreams are haunting you and it’s upsetting you. Often, the clearest signal that you're not heeding your intuition comes from your dreams. If you find yourself caught in a loop of recurring dreams, it's a strong indication that your intuition is trying to break through to communicate something important that you're not acknowledging in your waking life.

A dream exploration technique I use:

  1. Write the dream down in as much detail as you can.

  2. Before going to sleep at night, reread the dream you wrote down.

  3. As you quiet your mind, set the intention to interact with the dream. You can use this as a way in - “It is my intention to reveal the deeper meaning and messages of this dream for my greatest and highest good and to remember.”

  4. Say your intention statement three times or more if you’d like, and then let it go.

Back to how you are ignoring your intuition…

Discomfort in Decision-Making: Feeling uneasy or anxious when making decisions, especially significant life choices, can be another red flag. This unease often stems from a misalignment between your intuitive guidance and your decisions based on logic or external pressures. If you find yourself wrestling with anxiety after a decision, it could very well be your intuition signaling that there was a more aligned choice available.

Repetitive Patterns in Relationships and Situations: Ever notice how certain themes, people, or situations keep reappearing in your life, as if you're stuck on repeat? For instance, you might find yourself repeatedly drawn to similar relationships or continuously ending up in unsatisfying jobs despite your best efforts to change. These looping patterns are your intuition’s way of nudging you to recognize there is a cycle here that is no longer serving you and it’s time for you to do some work to break free.

Recently, everyone I talked to and everywhere I turned around there would be the recurring mention of cold exposure. Those who know me know that me + cold does not work. The mere thought of any cold exposure makes me want to run and hide. It got so annoying at one point, because all roads seemed to lead to cold exposure. Its persistent reappearance was a cue from my intuition to pay attention and explore further.

Now that you're familiar with intuition and the subtle ways it might be ignored, you're likely wondering about the next steps. How can you more fully engage with and harness this powerful internal guidance?

Three Foundational Practices

  • Embrace Stillness: In our fast-paced world, finding moments of stillness is crucial. It's in these quiet spaces that intuition finds its voice. By slowing down, you create the opportunity to truly connect with your inner self, allowing your intuitive insights to rise to the surface.

  • Listening: Listening—truly listening—with focus and intention is the next step. Meditation is a profound tool in this process, acting as a bridge to your inner wisdom. It's about more than just quieting the mind; it's about opening yourself to the insights and guidance that your intuition offers.

  • Trust and Act: Encountering an intuitive "hit" can be a moment of profound clarity and insight. Trust these nudges and allow them to guide your actions, whether it's choosing a new path on your morning walk or engaging in conversation with a stranger. These small steps can lead to significant shifts in your life's trajectory.

You are not alone in being an intuitive. There are a lot of us on the planet who have decided to claim our gifts and use them for the greatest and highest good. Reach out to me directly if you want support on how to cultivate your intuitive gifts.


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